Journals | Optoelectronics

Optoelectronics Journals

Optoelectronics is the study and application of electronic devices that source, detect and control light, usually considered a sub-field of photonics.


Journal of Low Power Electronics: American Scientific Publishers Journal

The electronic systems that can operate with very low power are of great technological interest. The growing research activity in the field of low power electronics requires a forum for rapid dissemination of important results: Journal of Low Power Electronics (JOLPE) is that international forum which offers scientists and engineers timely, peer-reviewed research in this field.

Fiber and Integrated Optics: Taylor & Francis Publishing

Fiber and Integrated Optics, now incorporating the International Journal of Optoelectronics, is an international bimonthly journal that disseminates significant developments and in-depth surveys in the fields of fiber and integrated optics.

International Journal of Optomechatronics: Taylor & Francis Publishing

International Journal of Optomechatronics is a multidisciplinary forum for the publication of the latest research results in the integrated field of optomechatronics which combines optical, mechanical, and electrical engineering. Peer-reviewed articles focus on the interaction between those fields, but also on the analysis and design of these integrated systems.

Nature Photonics: Nature Publishing Group Journal

Nature Photonics is a new monthly journal dedicated to this exciting field that will publish top-quality, peer-reviewed research in all areas of light generation, manipulation and detection.

Solid-State Electronics: Elsevier Journal

It is the aim of this journal to bring together in one publication outstanding papers reporting new and original work in the following areas: (1) applications of solid-state physics and technology to electronics and optoelectronics, including theory and device design, (2) optical, electrical, morphological characterization techniques and parameter extraction, (3) fabrication of semiconductor devices, and also device-related materials growth, measurement and evaluation; (4) the physics and modeling of submicron and nanoscale microelectronic and optoelectronic devices, including processing, measurement, and performance evaluation; (5) applications of numerical methods to the modeling and simulation of solid-state devices and processes; and (6) nanoscale electronic and optoelectronic devices, sensors, and MEMS based on semiconductor and alternative electronic materials.

Thin Solid Films: Elsevier Journal

Thin Solid Films is an international journal which serves scientists and engineers working in the fields of thin-film synthesis, characterization, and applications. The field of thin films, which can be defined as the confluence of materials science, surface science, and applied physics, has become an identifiable unified discipline of scientific endeavor.

Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics: American Scientific Publishers Journal

Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics (JNO) is an international and cross-disciplinary peer reviewed journal to consolidate emerging experimental and theoretical research activities in the areas of nanoscale electronic and optoelectronic materials and devices into a single and unique reference source.