Books | Spectroscopy

Spectroscopy Books

Spectroscopy Books

Photonics - Linear and Nonlinear Interactions of Laser Light and Matter

This book covers the fundamental properties and the description of single photons and light beams, experimentally and theoretically. It explains the essentials of linear interactions and most nonlinear interactions between light and matter in both the transparent and absorbing cases. It also provides a basic understanding of modern quantum optics and lasers, as well as the principles of nonlinear optical spectroscopy. It is self-consistent and enriched by a large number of calculated illustrations, examples, and descriptive tables. Graduate students in physics and electrical engineering, as well as other sciences, will find this book a thorough introduction to the field, while for lecturers and scientists it is a rich source of useful information and a ready-to-hand reference. The new edition has been thoroughly expanded and revised in all sections.

Basics of Interferometry, 2nd Edition

Optical interferometry is used in communications, medical imaging, astonomy, and structural measurement. With the use of an interferometer engineers and scientists are able to complete surface inspections of micromachined surfaces and semiconductors. Medical technicians are able to give more consise diagnoses with the employ of interferometers in microscopy, spectroscopy, and coherent tomography.

Photoacoustic Imaging and Spectroscopy

Bringing together the leading pioneers in this field to write about their own work, Photoacoustic Imaging and Spectroscopy is the first to provide a full account of the latest research and developing applications in the area of biomedical photoacoustics.

Biochemical Applications of Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy

For a host of reasons, nonlinear optical spectroscopy is a valuable tool for biochemical applications where minimally invasive diagnostics is desired. Biochemical Applications of Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy presents the latest technological advances and offers a perspective on future directions in this important field.