Sarah Moore

Sarah Moore

Feature Writer

B.Sc. Psychology, M.Sc. Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience

After studying Psychology and then Neuroscience, Sarah quickly found her enjoyment for researching and writing research papers; turning to a passion to connect ideas with people through writing.

With almost 5 years as a writer, researcher, and editor, Sarah is proud to have worked with a number of industries, producing an array of works. From an editor at a literary and arts magazine to producing blogs and content for international brands, to indulging her personal passions in creating content focused on science and health.

Articles from Sarah

The Global Infrared Spectroscopy Market: Growth and Trends

Raman Spectroscopy Market Trends: A Worldwide Overview

The Current and Future Direction of the Optical Microscopy Market

What is Atomic Force Microscopy?

The Benefits and Limitations of Dark Field Microscopy

Novel Light-Sensing Device and the Future of Personalized Lupus Treatment

How Multimode Optical Fibers Could Accelerate Neuroimaging

Cellular Lasers and their Promising Future in Studying Biological and Biophysical Phenomena

Using Optical Spectroscopy For Cannabis Detection

World Sleep Day: Analyzing Sleep with the Use of Optics