Lighting News

CityU Physicist Develops a Novel Quantum Theory of Light-Induced Matter, Opening the Door to Cutting-Edge Optical Technologies

CityU Physicist Develops a Novel Quantum Theory of Light-Induced Matter, Opening the Door to Cutting-Edge Optical Technologies

Production of Meta-Holograms Applicable to the Visible and Ultraviolet Spectral Regions

Production of Meta-Holograms Applicable to the Visible and Ultraviolet Spectral Regions

Spatial Correlations in Quantum Entangled Light Beams for Secure Information Transfer

Spatial Correlations in Quantum Entangled Light Beams for Secure Information Transfer

Another Photonics Breakthrough Using Structured Light on a Chip

Another Photonics Breakthrough Using Structured Light on a Chip

Unlocking New Techniques to Help the Hydrogen Economy

Unlocking New Techniques to Help the Hydrogen Economy

Light-Based Computing Scheme Reduces Power Needed to Mine Cryptocurrencies

Light-Based Computing Scheme Reduces Power Needed to Mine Cryptocurrencies

Fabricating Highly Precise APVEs for a Range of Applications

Fabricating Highly Precise APVEs for a Range of Applications

Charge into Water Triggered by a Quick Light Pulse

Charge into Water Triggered by a Quick Light Pulse

Sandia Labs Sees Major Breakthrough in Ultrafast Beam-Steering

Sandia Labs Sees Major Breakthrough in Ultrafast Beam-Steering

Nanophotonic Field Manipulation Using Non-Perturbative Light-Matter Coupling

Nanophotonic Field Manipulation Using Non-Perturbative Light-Matter Coupling