Posted in | Spectrum Analyzers

Anritsu MS9740A Optical Spectrum Analyzer

The MS9740A is a benchtop optical spectrum analyzer covering 600 nm to 1750 nm. The MS9740A offers high-performance optical resolution and high-speed measurements to support the needs of device and component manufacturers.

Waveform data can be measured and transmitted to external control equipment within 0.2s - a 5x improvement over previous Anritsu models. This enables optical device manufacturers to reduce costs and time for testing and analysis by:

  • Improving sweep speed (measurement time), and
  • Accelerating data transfer to control equipment after measurement

Combine these overall improvements with the ability to do basic analysis, and the result is an excellent return on investment and improved productivity.


  • The measurement of passive optical devices in <0.2s(5nm) reduces total analysis time.
  • Dedicated applications for evaluating active optical devices
  • Excellent cost performance
  • Dynamic range performance =58 dB (0.4 nm from peak wavelength)
  • 30 pm minimum resolution
  • Supports SM and MM fibers
  • Lightweight, 50% less power consumption


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