Inclusion Analysis in Steel with the ARL iSpark OES Spectrometer

A high-performance OES metal analyzer, the Thermo Scientific™ ARL iSpark™ enables users to quickly examine inclusions in steel.

Concurrent elemental and inclusion analyses are possible, enabling almost real-time control of the inclusions and prompt remedial measures at various phases of the production process.

When a significant number of samples need to be quickly evaluated, for example, to address a pressing quality issue, the pace of analysis is unmatched and offers a special option for high-throughput inclusion evaluations.

The Spark-DAT Software Suite

The ARL iSpark becomes a complete metals quality analyzer with the Spark-DAT Software Suite, reporting comprehensive inclusion data and the most accurate bulk metal composition analysis in a matter of minutes.

It contains all necessary software features and modules, both online and offline, for developing and setting up analytical methods, controlling inclusions, conducting in-depth research, and reporting inclusion data.

Spark-DAT Software Suite Features


  • Statistical Process Control: The ideal module for the most effective real-time control of inclusions.
  • Inclusions Report: The report is comprised of a comprehensive set of features that allow users to customize and generate the inclusion analysis report.
  • Spark-DAT: Methods, algorithms and features in OXSAS analytical software used to set up and run inclusion analysis and manage data treatment and results handling.
  • Spark Explorer: Feature-rich standalone module ensures the optimal set-up of method parameters and in-depth inclusion investigation.
  • Ternary Diagrams: The software features allow for the configuration and generation of ternary phase diagrams of interest that will be included in the inclusion analysis report.

Overcoming the Limitations of Spark OES Inclusion Analysis

OXSAS Analytical Software is at the core of inclusion analysis, running the ARL iSpark metals analyzer, managing all data processing, and handling findings for standard bulk elemental analysis.

Inclusion analysis results are analyzed in OXAS software. Spark-DAT inclusion analysis is implemented and parameterized for acquisition and processing.

ARL iSpark Series Analysis and Maintenance for OES | Thermo Scientific

Video Credit: Thermo Fisher Scientific - Elemental Analyzers and Phase Analyzers

Inclusion Analysis in Steel with the ARL iSpark OES Spectrometer

Spart-DAT Software.
Results display showing 3-run analysis with mixed bulk elemental concentrations and inclusion information.
Classification ranges editor with examples for SML distribution and size distribution in microns.

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