Posted in | Spectrometers

TSI Model 3340 Laser Aerosol Spectrometer

TSI's Laser Aerosol Spectrometer Model 3340 is a high sensitivity, high resolution general purpose aerosol particle sizer. This 'turn on and measure' instrument allows users to easily measure a size range of 0.09 (90 nm) to 7.5 µm. Complete size distributions are measured in less than a second by simply powering up and sampling.

The 3340 is a handy tool to have monitoring your filters or your processes; masuring in a lab; or sampling on field campaigns. It's as useful as your primary aerosol tool, but the 3340 can also provide caluable supplemental information to aerosol measurements ased on other sizing techniques (i.e. SMPS, APS, CPC, FMPS, etc.).

Features and Benefits

  • Ultra-high Sensitivity & Superior Resolution
    • Dynamic Size Range: 0.09 to 7.5µm
    • Typical Resolution is withing 2.5% of the particle diameter at 0.1µm
    • 18,000 part/cm3 at 0.1 L/min
  • Ease of Use
    • On-board Windows®-based PC with Excel. No need to procure and dedicate a laptop to operate your instrument
    • Intuitive LabView™ based software
  • Flexibility
    • 100 particle size channels: user configurable. Users can zero in on a specific size range or match the resolution of a different instrument
    • User adjustable flow rate: Allows the user to optimize the flow rates for a specific application at the click of a mouse
  • State-of-the-Art Optical & Detection System
    • Patented wide angle optics and intercavity laser
    • Highly sensitive photodetectors, automated gain ration adjustment and laser reference compensation


  • Filter Testing
  • Indoor Air Quality
  • Atmospheric Research & Environmental Monitoring
  • Inhalation Toxicology & Exposure Monitoring

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