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Single Frequency Lasers with Low Noise and Ultra-Narrow Linewidths - Koheras BASIK

The Koheras BASIK single frequency fiber lasers are industrial low noise lasers with ultra low phase noise, and Hz-range linewidth, generally only found in expensive scientific systems. Based on a single mode DFB fiber laser architecture, they offer ultra stable performance without mode-hops. The lasers are compact modules, normally applied in industrial OEM integration.

The single frequency fiber lasers are also designed as a building block for NKT Photonics’ ACOUSTIK multi-channel systems, and ADJUSTIK benchtop systems. It is equipped with CONTROL software for the control and read-out of laser parameters on a PC, such as output power, wavelength, and RIN suppression.

A long coherence length or high frequency stability required for interferometric use will be enhanced with this type of laser technology. When the low intensity noise of the lasers is integrated with the high spectral stability, the lasers become suitable as sources for wind LIDAR systems, used in the wind turbine and aerospace sector. They can also be used with interferometry laser vibrometry sensing systems.

Key Features

The main features of the Koheras BASIK single frequency fiber lasers are listed below:

  • Steady, single frequency operation
  • Industrial OEM packaging
  • PM option
  • Very narrow linewidth
  • Integrated function generators
  • Industry leading low phase noise


The main applications of the Koheras BASIK single frequency fiber lasers are given below:

  • Security - perimeter and pipeline detection
  • Seismic sensing such as oil and gas exploration and exploitation
  • Structural pipeline monitoring

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