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High-Brightness, Diffraction-Limited Supercontinuum Lasers - SuperK EXTREME

The SuperK EXTREME series is designed with NKT Photonics world renowned Crystal Fibre technology, to consistently deliver supercontinuum to numerous fields. The SuperK platform is fully modular, facilitating easy operation and service. With the plug and play feature, accessory modules can be added without configuration.

The main features of the SuperK EXTREME series are:

  • High power and exceptional lifetime coupled with excellent safety standards
  • 400-2400 nm single mode output
  • Sturdy, without the need for maintenance
  • Operation is simple
  • On-the-fly variable repetition rate
  • Functions can be changed on-the-fly without powering down the system
  • Versatile trigger and power locking functions
  • NIM trigger output approved for FLIM
  • Press of a button to start operation
  • Plug’n’Play filter accessories


Spectral Variants and Power Levels

White (EXW), violet (EXU), or red (EXR) are the spectrum variants, with up to 3.5 W in the visible wavelength region. It is possible to upgrade the SuperK laser to a higher power level if required.

The available models are listed in the table below

EXU series EXW series EXR series Visible power
350-850 nm
    EXR-4 400 mW
EXU-6 EXW-6 / EXW-6+* EXR-6+* 600 mW
  EXW-12   1200 mW
    EXR-15 1500 mW
    EXR-20 2000 mW
    Custom 3500 mW

Repetition Rate

On-the-fly variable repetition rate (pulse picker) or fixed repetition rate of 40 or 78 MHz. Other repetition rates are offered on request.

Warranty Extension

The normal 24 month warranty has been extended with an additional 12 or 24 months.

Easy Turn-Key System with Fail Safe Operation

The SuperK EXTREME is user-friendly and provides supercontinuum light with a single press of a button. The emission button is designed to perform direct switching of light on or off without having to decrease optical power, or having to wait for the system to warm up or cool down.

The SuperK EXTREME is capable of remembering the latest current or power set of the laser when the laser is turned off in standby mode, and it reaches the same level when the emission is reactivated.

The simple jog wheel system facilitates control of the unit operation, and repetition rate control, constant power/current mode and laser status can be selected without any difficulty. The constant power mode function enables linear variation of the VIS output power from 0-100%.

Modular Architecture

The SuperK EXTREME has a complete modular design, which allows easy support and upgrades on-site. The on-board electronics record all operational details of each module. The user can then download a complete operational history of the SuperK EXTREME for monitoring or servicing needs.

With a truly modular design, the SuperK laser can be easily upgraded. If a user is unsure of their power needs, a low power model can be utilized initially. Later, it can be upgraded with high power modules when required. This is simple and cost effective.

Beam Quality

The SuperK EXTREME is the perfect solution for applications requiring high performance in beam output. It provides superior single mode, broadband collimation at high power, using diffraction limited output from a proprietary collimator design. The use of the SuperK EXTREME in Leica’s SP8X confocal microscope offers users the ability to perform high-resolution diffraction limited microscopy due to the excellent beam quality. This also play an important role when using SuperK accessories. High pointing precision and broadband beam collimation enable beam steering and filtering operations to be performed in an accurate manner. The exceptional single mode Gaussian beam quality ensures coupling of light back into single mode fiber at efficiencies of more than 70%.


The core of the SuperK EXTREME operates on well-established Crystal Fibre PCF technology, which has been utilized in academic and commercial scenarios for more than 10 years. NKT Photonics is a leading PCF technology manufacturer and offers users reliability, quality and performance as it adheres to DIN ISO 9000 certified processes.

The new SuperK EXTREME offers the longest continuous running lifetime on the market. This device is an alternative to conventional laser sources in industrial or OEM applications, where cost of ownership and dependability are crucial factors when it comes to selecting the most suitable light source technology.


The SuperK EXTREME has several connection functions, allowing users to trigger, monitor and expand the source functions. Basic synchronization and triggering functions, such as NIM, are provided for downstream control of equipment. Pulse timing signals are provided for monitoring the status of the SuperK under unpredictable repetition rate. The new SuperK is fitted with a digital communication bus interface, for smart communication with the SuperK accessory suite. There is no need for complex driver downloads. Users just need to plug in the accessory and the SuperK EXTREME will begin operation.

SuperK EXTREME – High-Brightness, Diffraction-Limited Supercontinuum Lasers

SuperK EXTREME supercontinuum lasers
SuperK EXTREME Beam Quality
SuperK EXTREME Connectivity

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