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Altechna Introduces Cr LiSAF, LiSGaF and LiCAF Laser Crystals

Altechna has unveiled new Cr LiCAF, LiSGaF and LiSAF laser crystals that have been manufactured using the Czochralski method.

LiSAF, LiSGaF and LiCAF crystals

The company utilizes starting materials to enable crystal growth and absorption spectroscopy to measure dopant concentration.

The Cr3+:LiSrAlF6 (Cr:LiSAF) colquiriite crystal is a vibronic laser medium that supports femtosecond pulses and generates pulses with a minimum of 24 fs duration. The Cr-doped colquiriite crystal is tunable in the 780-1010 nm near-IR range.

The crystal lasers utilize red pump source instead of a green pump and due to this, they are more cost-effective than titanium - sapphire lasers. The colquiriite crystal lasers can be used with low pump powers, enabling diode pumping to be feasible.



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    Altechna Co. Ltd. (2019, February 28). Altechna Introduces Cr LiSAF, LiSGaF and LiCAF Laser Crystals. AZoOptics. Retrieved on October 09, 2023 from

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    Altechna Co. Ltd. "Altechna Introduces Cr LiSAF, LiSGaF and LiCAF Laser Crystals". AZoOptics. 09 October 2023. <>.

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    Altechna Co. Ltd. "Altechna Introduces Cr LiSAF, LiSGaF and LiCAF Laser Crystals". AZoOptics. (accessed October 09, 2023).

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    Altechna Co. Ltd. 2019. Altechna Introduces Cr LiSAF, LiSGaF and LiCAF Laser Crystals. AZoOptics, viewed 09 October 2023,

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